
Day 1: It Starts

I want to be a part of it… It was a great first day on the trip. After i made my way done to baggage claims, it became painfully clear that aa had screwed up the luggage. There were some 30 people without bags and some of them were starting to get upset. Not i… been there, lost the bags (even for good sometimes), so i was not upset at all. Read more...

Blogging 30000ft

Here i am hurtling at a respectably insane speed of 950kmh in a bright shiny silver tube with wings. I am a bullet. My target is john kennedy. At the same time, paul is hurtling at roughly the same speed but in the other direction, in a blue swan, sort of like nils holgerson, and hopefully (a) without delays, as i am scheduled to land 20min ahead of schedule, and (b) with a better onboard entertainment system than mine because I don’t have one :) Read more...

Ready Steady Go

Ready, steady, … GO!! I’m sitting here in the corp apartment in Mountain View (CA) and I’ve found an ultimately cool widget that you can see on the left hand panel of the blog - it shows you the exact location (to the street level) of the Droid with Froyo ‘special sauce image’ I borrowed from my buddy at Google (thanks, Charles!!). We have tweaked the phone to send a location update every 60s (unless the battery is low, and then it sends once every 180s). Read more...

Icelandic Worries

Icelandic Eruption OMG that was some eruption! I’m sitting here safely in California, but Paul is not yet here. All of the (respectable) news sites carefully avoid saying when the various officials will clear the european and trans atlantic airspace again.. and the less respectable places mention “weeks” rather than “days”. Next Saturday 4/24 is when I’m supposed to hitch a flight from SFO to JFK (Marina and Alexis will continue from JFK to ZRH), and Paul is supposed to fly in from AMS to JFK on that same Saturday (actually, thanks to careful planning, our flights both land at 4pm and 4:05pm, which is kind of cool). Read more...