Day 15: Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam

We took 93 from west i40 after having a late breakfast in Flagstaff. Our trip purposely brought us to the Hoover Dam (which always makes me think fondly of the luitenant penguin from Madagascar, who yells “hoover damn!!” when things go wrong).

The dam is magnificently large. It has four huge 400ft pillars on the intake side, two flanking overflow ducts the size of a 2 lane motorway, and a breathtaking drop on the egress side. Far below, the colorado river flows violently after dropping through the power station turbines. We took a lot of pictures, see here.

Yesterday we bought some veggies to make a greek salad, which we ate at the dam, in the car unfortunately because of a high windy gusty situatuon. We didn’t want to have the salad fly off our forks :)

We walked over the bridge and took our time soaking up the stellar views. I can see why americans are proud of this engineering acomplishment.

When we crossed the state border between AZ and NV, which is dead center of the dam, we saw the head of an 8 mile traffic jam from folks going from nevada to arizona… we were lucky! We just drove up, over and out, no delays whatsoever!

We then dropped into Las Vegas, which obviously deserves its own posting.

Location : 3791 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109

Posted by Pim van Pelt at 2:46 PM