Day 13: 1000 miles and running

1000 miles in a day

Leaving Dallas on Wednesday night at 10:30pm, we had fallen some 5 hours behind on our original schedule (thanks again, AA). We decided to clear the Dallas / Fort Worth area as much as we could and get us some shuteye ASAP. We ended up in Weatherford, TX, some 50 miles from DFW.

After breakfast at Waffle House we set the satnav to direct us to Midland, TX, where we were hoping to see some pumpjacks. Turns out West Texas is one big oilfield, so there were pumpjacks just about everywhere we looked. Pim took some very nice photos well before reaching Midland so we then decided to drive to Santa Fe, NM. But wait! Roswell! We have to check out the UFOs and the aliens there, so another detour it is.

Arriving in Roswell at 4:30pm (wait, make that 3:30pm since the state border between Texas and New Mexico brought us from Central to Mountain time) we park our car and visit the International UFO Museum and Research Center there. It’s a bit of a disappointment, we did not see a single alien nor pieces of the “weather balloon” that supposedly crashed in the area. We leave the museum still uncertain whether there is life outside of our planet.

So it’s about 5pm and we’re in Roswell, New Mexico. What to do? We’re not hungry yet and are still up for some touring. Santa Fe is programmed into the satnav, 193 miles from Roswell. This is mostly the 285 where the speed limit is 70 mph most of the time (75 in some places) so we make good progress and arrive in Santa Fe at 8pm. We check in to the local Motel 6 and ask the friendly lady at the desk for some gastronomical advice, as by now we are quite hungry. She recommends Tortilla Flats which is conveniently close to the motel. After dropping our bags off in the room, we go there and enjoy some very nice fajitas.

Over dinner we discuss today’s travels. We realize that we’ve driven almost 1000 miles in the 24 hours since we landed at DFW, about 1500 kilometers since we woke up in Weatherford. By now, we’re quite experienced roadtrippers :)

Location: Santa Fe, NM

Posted by Paul de Weerd at 6:08 AM


After yesterday’s trip, this was of course inevitable: we’ve hit 4096 miles just now. It’s just after 1pm and we’re coming up on Thoreau, NM. We’re not expecting to hit the next step during this roadtrip :)

Location : Continental Divide, NM 87312

Posted by Pim van Pelt at 12:18 PM