Day 8: Halfway

Halfway there

It’s not trivial to determine you’re halfway on your journey when you don’t know exactly how far you’re traveling. That’s why we defined we would be halfway there when passing 96.207 degrees west (for the first time). This seemingly random value was found by taking the average of the longitudes of New York and Los Angeles (the two red markers on the map). The latitude is of no concern since our route isn’t a straight line from NY to LA (we would probably need a few more BHP and 4WD for such a route).

Anyway, yesterday we discussed being quite close to this milestone and looked up where it would be exactly along our route. Turns out this is just before Donie, TX (the blue marker on the map). And that is exactly where we’re at right now.

Location: Donie, TX

Posted by Paul de Weerd at 8:44 AM