Day 6: The Blues

Far south, and the Blues

This morning we got up all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to accept our adventurous destiny in Louisiana. We thought we should go see the Misisipi (sic) delta now that we were here so we punched it it just to find that it is a 90mi drive taking about 2 hours. A piece of cake for us!

So we drove down to the southernmost point ot Louisiana. We took a picture. We drove back to New Orleans. It took just over 4 hours in total. :)

Then we drove up to the race course (which around these parts means horse racing). We drove around it finding a cheap spot to park - finally we dropped $20 on a guy who lives next to the tracks and hauled off on foot to the grounds.

The price to get in is $60/person, but we agree it is worth it. The venue is about as big as Pinkpop, full of jazz, blues, gospel, dance, stands and crappy food. We saw the dixie cups (who are getting old, one even has a cane!), but they rocked. There were also choirs, ad hoc jamming, and everybody was having a great time.

It is now about 4:30pm and although there is a lot of wind, it hasn’t started to rain/storm yet. They say it will, later tonight and over the weekend. We’ll hang tight though, the festival closes at 7pm so we have plenty of time left to soak up the atmosphere.

One slightly annoying bit, though. In washington we kind of walked a lot, and i somehow hurt my left foot. I think maybe stretched a tendon or something, there is no pressure pain, and it it is fine to stand, drive, and so on. But somehow after an hour or so on foot, it really hurts bad and I start limping a bit. Not to worry though, there are plenty of chairs here, too and the race track is only about 2km or so across :-)

Slightly overcast, but otherwise happy greetings from the New Orleans Jazz Festival - a must see for all visitors!

Location : 2911-2999 Fortin St, New Orleans, LA 70119

Posted by Pim van Pelt at 2:34 PM