Dfw Rap

DFW-RAP booked

The funniest thing. In our itinerary we are planning to take a trip to the landmark of Mount Rushmore. I of course am a bit of an ass, and I assumed that ‘south dakota’ means the state would be in the south, but little do I know.. It’s kind of funny that we europeans always laugh at the americans for not knowing much about european geography, but I will admit that I too suck at it :)

OK, so Paul and I are hanging out on the IRC and trying to find a good direct flight from Dallas to Rapid City. It turns out that Mon 3 May - Tue 4 May is very expensive, but then on the other hand if we go back Wed 5 May we’re all good for ~160E/250CHF. So we decide to work around the itinerary a bit to fit the good plane tickets.

Then today, Paul says ‘hey did you see we’re flying American Eagle?’ and I was confused, so I asked him to forward me the tickets. He then says ’tickets? .. dude!’ and it then turns out he was assuming that I was booking a flight while he was. Oops :)

Anyway, flight booked on aa.com, same AA2813 outbound on 3/5/2010, and AA2814 back on 5/5/2010. We’re set to go!

Then, we talked about our first day together in The Big Apple - we decided to Go Cheap, and I happen to know just the place! I booked us a double room in the Carter Hotel. Marina and I stayed there once. It’s a cockroachy place (not dissing them, I am fond of cheap hotels, because at least then I get the feeling I get what I paid for!), room booked from Sat 24 - Sun 25. On Sunday we’ll be hooking up with our car in EWR. I’m looking forward to it all :)