
It's a wrap: Numbers

Numbers And we’re back home. Wow, what a blast! Fortunately, the flights back (SFO - JFK for both of us and then JFK - AMS for me and JFK - ZRH for Pim) were quite boring and uneventful, even with American operating 2 out of 3 of these (those flights were, of course, overbooked again but neither Pim nor myself was denied boarding). It also seems we got back just in time - AMS is closed for business today because of Icelandic volcanic ashes. Read more...

Day 18: Santa Cruz

iFlew and sushi-a-plenty Right now I’m in the car doing 70 on the freeway (i-5) to Santa Cruz and I realised that I haven’t given any update on what we did yesterday. Funny how things go .. I was just mentioning to Paul “well we didn’t even do anything yesterday” and he goes “Dude!” and it hits me - the skydive. How could I forget? :-) When we left the Samba Brazilian restaurant (where the Rodizio really was amazing! Read more...

Day 16: Hollywood

Las Vegas and forgotten phones The last two days we’ve been living it up in Las Vegas. We got here yesterday and spend the day walking from one side of ‘The Strip’ to the other and back. That sort of took all day - there’s so much to see, so many beautiful hotels, casino’s, people, and general buzz. We had a good steak dinner at The Strip House (which, by the way, does not refer to strippers, but to its location on ’the strip’). Read more...

Day 15: Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam We took 93 from west i40 after having a late breakfast in Flagstaff. Our trip purposely brought us to the Hoover Dam (which always makes me think fondly of the luitenant penguin from Madagascar, who yells “hoover damn!!” when things go wrong). The dam is magnificently large. It has four huge 400ft pillars on the intake side, two flanking overflow ducts the size of a 2 lane motorway, and a breathtaking drop on the egress side. Read more...